Emotional Support

Emotional Support

Coping after Abortion

Honor all your emotions. There is no right or wrong way to feel. All your feelings are valid. If you are happy about your abortion, allow yourself that. If you need a good cry, have one. If you need to be angry, be angry in a safe way.

Nurture yourself. Take care of yourself now. It is not selfish to let go of some of your responsibilities to take care of your own needs. Your needs are as important as anyone else’s. Time away from regular responsibilities to focus on you may have significant value in the long-term.

Take a walk. Getting outside and moving is always good for our spirit. Light activity is especially important in the first few days after an abortion. Do not work-out or do any heavy lifting in the first 48 hours, but after that any form of exercise will help you feel better.

Eat well. Healthy eating can make a difference in our moods and our energy levels.

Write in a journal. Writing out your thoughts and feelings on paper can help clarify them. Writing also serves as a means to let go of feelings you may be holding on to.

Talk to a friend. Don’t keep your feelings away from others. If you have a trusted person who will listen and support you, use that person. Friends are there for us when we are in need. This may be the time you need to lean on your friend. You will be there for her or him in the future, but now is your time.

Read other abortion stories. It can be helpful to read out other people’s stories through abortion. This can help to normalize the experience of abortion and ensure that you are not alone in your experience. Abortion is a common experience among all people from all walks of life. There are many websites that post people’s stories, the following are just a few: The Abortion Conversation Project, The Abortion Diaries.

Phone a pro-choice counselor. Don’t hesitate to talk about your feelings with a professional. There is nothing too small or too big. You can call the clinic and request a post-abortion counselling appointment.


PDF – healthy coping after an abortion

PDF – You Are a Good Woman

PDF – Abortion Resolution Handbook

PDF – Counselling Resources