Emotional Support

Emotional Support


Post Abortion Counseling

Woman’s Health Options Ltd.
Clinic counselors can provide post abortion counseling when requested. Appointments are necessary.
Phone: (780) 484-1124

Pro-choice Networking

Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada is the only nation-wide political pro-choice group devoted to ensuring abortion rights and access for women. It was formed in October 2005 to carry out political and educational work to support reproductive rights and health. To join or learn more about the group refer to their website – www.arcc-cdac.ca


Sacred choices: The right to contraception and abortion in ten world religions. (c2003) Edited by Daniel Maguire. Keywords: religious aspects of – birth control, contraception, and abortion. *

Not an easy choice. (c2003) By Kathleen McDonnell. Keywords: abortion, moral and ethical aspects, and post abortion support and coping. *

Borrowed light. (2000) By Anna Fienberg. Keywords: fiction, teenage pregnancy, abortion, family, and pro-choice. *

The abortion myth: Feminism, morality, and the hard choices women make. (2000) By Leslie Cannold. Keywords: abortion – moral and ethical aspects and public opinion, women, and feminism. *

Unspeakable losses: Understanding the experience of pregnancy loss, miscarriage and abortion. (1998) By Kim Kluger-Bell. Keywords: coping aspects of – miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, and bereavement. *

No choice: Canadian women tell their stories of illegal abortion. (1998) Edited by Childbirth by Choice Trust. Keywords: Canada and abortion – personal stories, law, history, and legislation. *

The healing choice: Your guide to emotional recovery after an abortion. (1997) By Candace De Puy & Dana Dovich. Keywords: abortion and – coping, counseling, and religion. *

Peace after abortion. (1997) By Ava Torre-Bueno. Keywords: abortion – coping and support. *

Why am I an abortion doctor? (1996) By Suzanne P. Poppema. Keywords: abortion services and feminism. *

Morgentaler: A difficult hero. A biography. (1996) By Catherine Dunphy. Keywords: Henry Morgentaler, pro-choice movement, history of abortion, and Canada. *

Experiencing abortion: A weaving of women’s words. (1997) Edited by Eva Kushner. Keywords: abortion, post abortion support and coping, and personal stories.

Taking charge of your fertility: The definitive guide to natural birth control, pregnancy achievement, and reproductive health. (2002) By Toni Weschler. Keywords: natural fertility awareness, natural contraceptives, and reproduction. *

The garden of fertility: Reading your fertility signals for natural birth control, pregnancy achievement, and to gauge gynecological health. (2004) By K. Singer. Keywords: natural fertility awareness, natural contraceptives, and reproduction.

Helping women recover from abortion. (1988) By Nancy Michels. Keywords: abortion and post abortion support/coping. *

Our choices, our lives: Unapologetic writings on abortion. (2002) Edited by Krista Jacob. Keywords: abortion and personal stories.

Abortion: A positive decision. (1992) By Patricia Lunneborg. Keywords: abortion, coping, and pre/post abortion support. *

The choices we made: Twenty-five women and men speak out about abortion. (1991) Edited by Angela Bonavoglia. Keywords: women, men, abortion, personal stories, and feminism. *

* Indicates the resource is available at the Edmonton Public Library